

Sybilla Golec

Sybilla Golec

Michał Ogiński

Teresa Wysocka

Krynka Cortez

Ewa Gardzielewska

Monika Deptuła

Dorota Biernasiuk

Aleksandra Golec-Wiese

Magdalena Sakowska

Joanna Ogińska

Maciej Zabłocki

Jolanta Nałęcz

Maria Kędzierska

Sybilla Golec    galery

She traveled widely visiting over 40 countries but is especially fascinated by Mexico and Nepal.

A year ago she moved to Szczawno after several years in Warsaw. For eleven years in she ran a Language School that was dedicated to John Lennon where creative thinking was encouraged. She painted her first picture in Sokolowsko where she attended summer art school. The following year she enrolled on the course of icon painting where she met the Oginski family. In July 2004 Sybilla and Michal Oginski painted all the pictures that are on display on this website.


Michał Ogiński   galery 


the student of Art School in Katowice - this year is taking his "A" levels. He is a painted and graphic designer and he has won many prizes for satirical drawing. At the age of 12 he had his first exhibition.

His first satirical drawings were published in many magazines.

To Boguszow Gorce he came first time together with his father who had an exhibition there he worked in Sokolowsko in art conservation in an Orthodox Church last year. He met Sybilla there.


Krynka Cortez Krynka Cortez           galery

Artistic and spiritual guide of Mother of Sybillianizmus

Teresa Wysocka   galery


Polish people in Milano.

Polish Consulate in Milano.


Monika Deptuła Monika Deptuła       galery

Ewa Gardzielewska    galery

Aleksandra Golec-Wiese   galery
Magdalena Sakowska Magdalena Sakowska - galeria
Dorota Biernasiuk   galeria

 Jolanta Nałęcz   galeria

Fot. Joanna Kostrzewska Maria Kędzierska  galeria
Katia Zabinkowa  galeria
Maciej Zabłocki